

Bewertungen 40
4 vor wenigen Monaten

Disappointed with RAA Total Loss Handling

My recent experience with RAA's Total Loss Department has left me deeply disappointed. Despite a minor accident, the lack of communication and empathy displayed by RAA has been shocking.

After being assured my damages would be covered, I was left in the dark for over a week, only to discover my car had been deemed a total loss without any notification. Despite numerous attempts to contact RAA, I received no apology or explanation for the oversight.

During my call with the Total Loss representative, I was met with indifference and blame-shifting, instead of acknowledgment for their shortcomings. This dismissive attitude is unacceptable.

Furthermore, my concerns about the undervaluation of my recently purchased car were brushed aside, further adding to my frustration.

This experience highlights systemic issues within RAA's communication and customer service practices that need urgent attention. I urge RAA to take responsibility for their actions, apologize for the distress caused, and commit to improving their services.

#RAA #CustomerService #CommunicationIssues #TotalLoss #Disappointed