Bewertungen 14
5 vor wenigen Monaten

I recently came across an organization called Taks...

I recently came across an organization called Taksvärkki ry and I must say, their work is truly commendable. They are dedicated to making a positive impact in the world and they do so through various initiatives. I appreciate their efforts in promoting social change and empowering individuals. If you're looking for a way to contribute to a worthy cause, I highly recommend checking out Taksvärkki ry. You won't be disappointed!

5 vor wenigen Monaten

As soon as I learned about Taksvärkki ry and their...

As soon as I learned about Taksvärkki ry and their mission, I knew I wanted to get involved. Their commitment to improving education opportunities and empowering communities is commendable. I had the pleasure of volunteering with them and it was a truly transformative experience. The team at Taksvärkki ry is dedicated, passionate, and always striving to make a positive impact. I highly recommend supporting their efforts!

6 vor wenigen Monaten

💪 Taksvärkki ry is an incredible organization that...

💪 Taksvärkki ry is an incredible organization that is truly making a positive impact in the world. They are dedicated to promoting education and improving the lives of disadvantaged individuals. I had the opportunity to be a part of their projects and it was a fulfilling experience. The team at Taksvärkki ry is compassionate, motivated, and inspiring. I highly recommend supporting their work! 👊

6 vor wenigen Monaten

I have been following Taksvärkki ry's work for a w...

I have been following Taksvärkki ry's work for a while now and I am continuously impressed by their dedication and impact. They are committed to creating sustainable change and empowering communities. The projects they undertake are carefully thought out and make a real difference in people's lives. If you're looking to contribute to a meaningful cause, I highly recommend getting involved with Taksvärkki ry!

7 vor wenigen Monaten

🌟 Taksvärkki ry is a remarkable organization that ...

🌟 Taksvärkki ry is a remarkable organization that is making a real difference in the world. Their dedication to helping others is truly inspiring. I had the privilege of volunteering with them and it was an incredibly rewarding experience. The team at Taksvärkki ry is passionate, knowledgeable, and goes above and beyond to make a positive impact. If you want to contribute to a worthwhile cause, I highly recommend getting involved with Taksvärkki ry! 🙌

9 vor wenigen Monaten

I have been involved with Taksvärkki ry for severa...

I have been involved with Taksvärkki ry for several years now and I can confidently say that they are doing exceptional work. Their commitment to creating positive change is evident in all they do. Through their various projects and initiatives, they are empowering communities and making a lasting impact. I am grateful to be a part of such a fantastic organization!

10 vor wenigen Monaten

👌 Taksvärkki ry is doing incredible work in the fi...

👌 Taksvärkki ry is doing incredible work in the field of education and community development. Their projects are impactful and well-executed, making a positive difference in numerous lives. I appreciate the dedication and passion the team at Taksvärkki ry brings to their work. If you're looking for an organization to support, I highly recommend considering Taksvärkki ry! 🌟

Vor 1 Jahr

I recently had the pleasure of learning about Taks...

I recently had the pleasure of learning about Taksvärkki ry and I must say, they are an amazing organization. Their commitment to promoting education and empowering communities is truly admirable. They have created a supportive and inclusive environment that allows individuals to thrive and make a difference. I am grateful to have come across Taksvärkki ry and I highly recommend supporting their efforts!

Vor 1 Jahr

👍 Taksvärkki ry is an amazing organization! They a...

👍 Taksvärkki ry is an amazing organization! They are doing incredible work in empowering disadvantaged communities and supporting education initiatives. I had the opportunity to participate in one of their projects and it was a life-changing experience. The team at Taksvärkki ry is dedicated, passionate, and truly cares about making a difference. Keep up the great work! 👏

Vor 1 Jahr

I recently discovered Taksvärkki ry and I am thoro...

I recently discovered Taksvärkki ry and I am thoroughly impressed with the work they do. Their commitment to education and community development is evident in the projects they undertake. The team at Taksvärkki ry is passionate, knowledgeable, and truly cares about making a difference. If you're looking for an organization to support, I highly recommend checking out Taksvärkki ry.

Vor 1 Jahr

I recently came across an organization called Taks...

I recently came across an organization called Taksvärkki ry and I am so glad I did. Their work in promoting education and empowering individuals is truly inspiring. They are making a real difference in the lives of those in need. The team at Taksvärkki ry is passionate, dedicated, and genuinely cares about making a positive impact. I highly recommend supporting their efforts!

Vor 1 Jahr

Taksvärkki ry is a fantastic organization that is ...

Taksvärkki ry is a fantastic organization that is truly making a difference in the world. Their dedication to improving the lives of others is inspiring. I had the opportunity to volunteer with them last summer and it was an amazing experience. The team at Taksvärkki ry is incredibly passionate and supportive, and they create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone involved. I would highly recommend getting involved with Taksvärkki ry if you are looking to make a meaningful impact and contribute to a great cause.

Vor 1 Jahr

I recently had the opportunity to learn about an o...

I recently had the opportunity to learn about an organization that is making a significant impact in the world - Taksvärkki ry. What stood out to me about their work is the dedication and passion they have towards their cause. They are truly committed to improving the lives of others and creating positive change. It's refreshing to see an organization that genuinely cares about making a difference. I highly recommend supporting Taksvärkki ry!

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Über Taksvärkki ry

Taksvärkki ry ist eine finnische Non-Profit-Organisation, die das aktive Handeln junger Menschen unterstützt und die Verwirklichung der Menschenrechte fördert. Die Mission der Organisation ist es, junge Menschen zu befähigen, aktive Weltbürger zu werden, die sich für eine gerechtere und nachhaltigere Welt einsetzen.

Eine der Hauptaktivitäten von Taksvärkki ist das jährliche Taksvärkkikeräys, eine Spendenaktion, die in Schulen in ganz Finnland stattfindet. Während dieser Aktion sammeln Schüler Spenden von ihren Freunden, Familienmitgliedern und lokalen Unternehmen, um Entwicklungsprojekte in Entwicklungsländern zu unterstützen. Die während der Kampagne gesammelten Gelder werden verwendet, um Projekte zu unterstützen, die Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung, Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit fördern.

Neben der Taksvärkkikeräys-Kampagne bietet Taksvärkki auch globale Bildungsprogramme für Schulen und Jugendorganisationen an. Diese Programme zielen darauf ab, das Bewusstsein junger Menschen für globale Probleme wie Armut, Ungleichheit, Klimawandel und Menschenrechtsverletzungen zu schärfen. Durch interaktive Workshops und Lehrmaterialien, die von Experten auf dem Gebiet des globalen Lernens entwickelt wurden, hilft Taksvärkki jungen Menschen, Fähigkeiten zum kritischen Denken zu entwickeln, damit sie komplexe Probleme aus mehreren Perspektiven analysieren können.

Taksvärkki arbeitet bei langfristigen Entwicklungsprojekten auch eng mit Partnerorganisationen in Entwicklungsländern zusammen. Diese Projekte konzentrieren sich auf die Verbesserung des Zugangs zu hochwertiger Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche; Förderung der Stärkung der Rolle der Frau; Unterstützung nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Praktiken; Bereitstellung des Zugangs zu sauberem Wasser; Verbesserung der Gesundheitsversorgung; Förderung erneuerbarer Energiequellen; Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen wie Wälder und Ozeane.

Die Organisation ist davon überzeugt, dass Taksvärkki durch die Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Gemeinschaften in Entwicklungsländern dazu beitragen kann, dauerhafte Veränderungen herbeizuführen, von denen alle Beteiligten profitieren Jahresberichte.

Insgesamt ist Taksvärkki ry ein inspirierendes Beispiel dafür, wie eine gemeinnützige Organisation einen echten Unterschied in der Welt bewirken kann, indem sie junge Menschen stärkt, komplexe soziale Probleme angeht und mit Partnern auf der ganzen Welt zusammenarbeitet Sie gehören zu den angesehensten NGOs Finnlands, und ihre Arbeit inspiriert weiterhin andere auf der ganzen Welt, die ihre Vision einer besseren Zukunft für alle teilen.
