
Intertaal Rezension

Bewertungen 7
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Bewertungen 7
4 vor wenigen Monaten

This company has caused me so much trouble.

This company has caused me so much trouble.

I've ordered 3 books. Book 1 was delivered on time. Book 2 and 3, however, kept getting delayed up to 2 months, before they turned up out of the blue on my doorstep after 4 weeks. You'd think I was happy, but was met with two problems.
I had already ordered one of the two books at another company because I really needed it. The day before the unexpected delivery, I wanted to cancel my order for that book, but it was turned down as it was 'already prepared to send'... I asked the customer service about how to return the item as I could not find any information like a QR code after I registered the item to be returned, but the replies were all very short, unclear, and some questions, like when I could expect to get my money back, were ignored. Eventually, it caused me so much trouble to send the book back to Intertaal, that I send the book from the other company back as they had a much simpler return system and a friendlier, and more understanding, customer service.
The other book that got delivered was in a very bad state. The delivery person had not covered the book from the rain well enough, as the upper parts of it were wet and when it dried up, started to get crooked. I contacted the customer service yet again, and spoke to the exact same person, who gave me once again the bare minimum of information... I had to send multiple emails about the simple question if I could get any compensation. I had to ask for clarification and when I asked if they needed anything else from me, I was once again ignored. Thankfully though, I did receive a part of my money back.
This company is known amongst my fellow students for being tardy and through my own experience, I can say that it is true. The customer service is indifferent and curt, to say the least.

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Ik volg al jaren een cursus Italiaans. Bij de curs...

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4 Jahre zuvor

Intertaal hat meiner Meinung nach sehr professione...

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