Über das Unternehmen

RedCetus Chile Is a company specialized in the import and sale of connectivity equipment, IP telephony and videoconferencing. Based in Santiago de Chile, in the municipality of Providencia. RedCetus is the Chilean subsidiary of Grupo Cetus-Group, with offices in Miami and La Paz. Their extensive network of suppliers allows their customers to access a hundred brands and technologies from around the world, characterized by their commitment to delivery times and associated guarantees. During 2011, they began to offer a set of solutions thanks to the experience of their engineers during years of integrations in projects implemented in Argentina, Bolivia and the United States. This added to the certifications of their professionals in Ubiquiti, Asterisk, VMware, Mikrotik, Ncomputing, Cisco, Mobotix, among others; it allows us to offer their clients a service of pre and post sale of excellence, because not only they are suppliers of technologies, but they also know how to implement them.

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