Über das Unternehmen

De Tweesprong is the sports company of the municipality of Kaag en Braassem. De Tweesprong put you with pleasure on the move! Sports and recreation center De Tweesprong Roelofarendsveen has a pool (leisure pool, lap pool and outdoor), indoor tennis courts, squash courts, a sports hall, a gym and meeting facilities. De Tweesprong is also involved in the management of sports The Spant in Leimuiden and gyms The Lake Side (Rijnsaterwoude) and Kaskade (Roelofarendsveen. Finally, De Tweesprong in a number of ways throughout the community actively involved in promotion of sport and physical activity for young and old. Sporting company De Tweesprong is indeed placed in a company, but the organization is non-profit.

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