Über das Unternehmen

Security is not a technology issue – it’s a financial issue. In an asymmetric world where an attack may cost a fraction of defenses, putting your funds and people where it really matters is an imperative. Cytegic’s Automated Cyber Risk Officer (ACRO) enables business executives to make the financial decision between risk reduction by investments in defenses and/or risk hedging by cyber insurance. With ACRO cyber risk is just another business decision. ACRO enables organizations to gain efficiency, reduce costs and hedge risk. ACROs cost effective SaaS deployment provides you with all the key benefits of an accurate, agile and friendly platform, equipped with easy-to-read and job-specific dashboards for CISO, CRO, BOD/CEO and business stakeholders. ACRO delivers quantified, actionable, relevant continuous intelligence and defensive maturity levels for the organization to instantly view, prioritize and determine/proactively fill the gaps in managing your Cyber Risk.

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