3 vor wenigen Monaten

Anyone giving them good reviews work there I'm sure of it 💯

We fell behind on our bill due to very high costs, paid a 400 dollar "DEPOSIT!" that we couldn't afford nor will ever see again, went on prepay and I check it every day to see how much we use and sometimes it seems alright but sometimes we don't even run a hair dryer or laundry dryer or even use much hot water and we still manage to use 8-9 dollars on those days and we haven't been using heat or air! I guess what I'm getting at is they claim to be nonprofit but I don't see how! Where'd that 400 deposit go maybe 🤔 profit, maybe someone's bonus but any way you look at it that's pure profit because that 400 will never be mentioned again, well not by them anyways. By the way we were actually forced into pre pay but it does seem to help a little sometimes but if you pre pay there is no proof that they are taking advantage of you because you don't have any kind of paper just your confirmation # emailed to you. It'd be really hard to prove anything. The linemen really do a great job though it's just the company is sketchy!