Voyagiste Maroc

Voyagiste Maroc

Bewertungen 2
6 vor wenigen Monaten

Traveling with voyagiste maroc and the guide lhoussin prince

In May 2019, I realized my dream – to ride a camel day after day in the Sahara desert. It was a wonderful and unforgettable trip, which was guided by Lhoussin Prince and his friend. They told me about the country and the surrounding area. Prepared and served delicious and tasty food. They even made bread in the desert sand. Many wonderful memories come into mind as I write this. What I remember best are the stars and the moon in the sky - far away, but also so close - and not to forget the endless silence.
It was a wonderful trip, which I would recommend by heart to everybody who are looking for something different from Gran Canaria.

Review Voyagiste Maroc image 356511
Review Voyagiste Maroc image 356512